?? World’s top drone-in-a-box producers by DroneNews – Dronehub on the shortlist
About drone-in-a-box and other commercial drone applications.
“Remember when the iPhone and its app store opened a world of possibilities but not everyone saw their potential until the right applications came along,” asked the [Drone II] company in its May report about drone applications. “A drone today is a bit like what a smartphone was just over a decade ago: a well-known device but widely underestimated in terms of innovation and business potential.
Which is all well and good, but according to Sebastian Babiarz, vice president of Business Development at Dronehub, the world has not event scratched the surface of all the good things drone technology can do for people yet. Part of it can be due to restrictive legislation, and part of it can be because the world got turned upside down by a pandemic last year, when it least suspected.
“Industrial drones are going to be complex, which makes them expensive, so return on investment will be a very important factor when companies purchase solutions like the Dronehub system. However, that complexity will also facilitate further business opportunities. The Dronehub system is highly automated, which makes it an ideal tool to automatically replace a complicated sensor payload, on demand” (…)
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